Monday, April 14, 2014

Spring Nails

Hello All,

As its coming into Spring it is time to banish those dark nails and bring out the pastels. Here is a selection of my favourite colours.

As you may have noticed they are all Rimmel and Topshop. I think the Rimmel polishes are really good considering they are around £2-3 and they have a huge shade range. The Topshop nail polishes are more expensive but I absolutely love them! They have the most gorgeous shade range and you do find some really unusual colours in there.

List of colours from left to right:
Rimmel - Round and round the garden
Topshop - Parma Violet
Rimmel - Tangy Tangerine
Topshop - Domestic Goddess
Rimmel - Ring a ring o' roses

I will most certainly be adding more pastels to this collection so let me know if there are any you would recommend.

Until next time,



  1. Love Ring a ring o roses and Tangy Tangerine! I think they'd make a lovely mani-pedi combo!

  2. yeah they totally would!!

    lovely blog, I followed you on bloglovin'.
