February is over already and I cannot believe how quickly it has flown by. Many of my January Favourites are still things I am loving but I have a few more products which I have been reaching for more and more this month.
Soap & Glory - Face Soap and Clarity : £8
If you read my recent empties video (click here) you would have seen that I had finished my Benefit Foamingly Clean facial wash and needed something new. This product has been in my bathroom for a while now and so its not a new love but rather a rekindled one. This makes my skin feel so clean and fresh. It turns into a really nice lather and has some small exfoliating particles but not too many which I really like. The only issue I have with this is the smell. I know shock, seeing as Soap & Glory products on the whole smell incredible! This however has a minty smell?! Well I think so I can't really tell but it is just a little to overpowering.
Sally Hansen - Miracle Cure : £2.50
I still cannot get over how much of a bargain this was! I needed a nail strengthener as I recently took off my acrylic nails and as expected my nails are looking a little worse for wear. I popped into Sainsbury's quickly to see what they had and this was on the shelf for £9 which I wasn't willing to pay. I then came home and trawled the internet and found it for just £2.50! (that nearly 75% off). This is one of my favourites mostly for the price but it is a really good strengthener and has been working wonders on my nails.
Body Shop - Vitamin E Serum-in-Oil : £12
I feel like I have raved about this non-stop since I bought it but it is literally incredible! I never in a million years would have considered putting an oil on my face but boy am I glad I did. I won't talk to much about it as I will upload a full review on it very soon but I have been absolutely loving this and it does wonders to my skin.
Revlon - Colour Burst Lip Butter : £7.99
This lipstick is moisturising, glossy, pigmented...its just basically all you could want. I adore this colour it's such a beautiful, pretty pink and looks lovely on the lips. I really like this as I suffer with very dry lips, so as much as I love matte lipsticks they don't mix well with chapped lips, where as this is super hydrating and doesn't dry out. This is my everyday go to shade and I will definitely be picking up some more shades in the near future.
I would love to know what your February favourites were!
Until next time,